• Thank you for reading our conditions of play for our competition. We supply this so that delegates receive all relevant information. Please read all pages carefully as they all make up part of the rules and regulations of the Newcastle Oztag Association. Please assist us in our efforts to administer the competition efficiently and professionally.

    Newcastle Oztag Association will handle all administrative matters concerning the competition and referees, all queries should be directed to the Competition Co-ordinator for clarification or further assistance.

    Development Officers:  Jo and Brett Howard

  • The delegate is the person who registers the team and indicates online that they are the organiser of the team.

    A delegate’s duties during the competition are as follows:

    • Any questions regarding change of registrations/swaps etc due to pregnancy, illness or working away you must contact Newcastle Oztag to discuss your options.

    • They are the only person allowed to ask questions to the Referee in a respectful manner.

    • They should check the score with the referee at the end of the game and sign the card. DO NOT sign the scorecard if you disagree with the score, come and see us at the canteen.

    • If someone else has the role of captain during a game please notify the Referee.

    • The delegate is responsible for all actions of their players and their spectators. If a player or spectator does not follow the instructions of the Referee it is the delegate's responsibility to ensure they do. The Delegate may be dismissed by the Referee to deal with any players/spectators.

  • If you wish to register a team please view our website for all information.

    Please make sure you have the 10 players registered to secure your team before the cut-off date. You can continue to register players up until round 4 of competition.

    After round 4, there is NO refund of registration to any player, regardless of circumstances. If you require a refund prior to round 4 a $20 admin fee will be deducted from the registration fee. For any player found playing that has not paid their registration fee in the team they are playing in, penalties will apply. Before each player pays online they MUST read the accompanying sheet that lists the insurance details. 

    Players must be 15 years old before they can register and play in an adult team. Team delegates can access Sports Fix to see who has paid for their team. 

    If you have played previous seasons that does not mean your team is guaranteed a spot in the next season. 

    If you have any problems finding extra players, understanding any of the supplied information or filling in the forms then please contact us on 0418 440 319. If you have problems contacting us please leave a message and we will get back to you ASAP.

    Players may register to play in multiple teams under the following conditions:

    We cannot guarantee the games will not clash times.

    The players can only switch teams at half-time if the teams play at the same time.

    Players must be in the correct uniform for each team.

    It is the PLAYER's responsibility to contact Newcastle Oztag to advise us that they are playing in multiple teams and if both teams make finals. We will make every effort to avoid a clash of times during finals.

    The registration of any player into multiple teams is at the discretion of the committee.

  • Guidelines considered during initial grading:

    Past performance of the team. 

    Players in a team (rep, experienced) 

    Oztag experience (new players/team) 

    Number of teams in a division. 

    Team requests.

    Newcastle Oztag’s knowledge of teams.

    Guidelines considered when regrading teams:

    We have the right to regrade teams up until round 7 once most teams in the competition have played each other once. The committee reserves the right to regrade a team earlier than this should they deem it necessary.

    How many games have been played and against what teams have these games been played?

    How many players did teams have playing on a particular night?

    How many players did the opposition team have? 

    How is the whole division performing?

    Do other teams in the division need regrading? 

    What are the for/against figures?

    Do teams in higher/lower divisions require regrading and can be switched?

    Do the teams have a history of poor performance and then much-improved performance once regarded?

  • Under no circumstances will any representative or A-grade player be permitted to be added to a lower-grade team if they don't commence the season with that team. 

    This is deemed as being unfair to lower-grade teams and the grading process.

    This decision by the Committee is final and cannot be appealed against.

    Please ensure you have your team organised to avoid any issues.

  • (Newcastle Oztag has the right to alter these times as required)

    Game times are 40 minutes in total with 20-minute halves. 

    Summer competition time slots: 5:45pm, 6:20pm, 6:55pm. 

    Winter & Autumn competition time slots: 5:45pm, 6:25pm, 7:pm, 7:35pm.

  • Teams require 5 players to take the field and have 5 minutes before a game is declared a forfeit. 

    Team delegates must notify Newcastle Oztag If they cannot field a team before or by 430pm on the day of play.

    Teams who forfeit a game without notice will be required to pay $50 forfeit fee prior to taking the field in their next game as well as deducted -5 points for the forfeit. If notified before 430pm of the game day, the team will incur 0 points.

    After 2 forfeits the team may be dismissed from the competition, and NO refunds will be issued.

    If you are having problems with player numbers please email the committee at, we may be able to assist you.

    If teams forfeit semi-finals they will NOT be eligible for finals.

    If a team falls below five players due to injuries or (period in sin bin) they may continue the game. If they choose not to continue they will lose the game as a forfeit and receive 0 points.

    If a team falls below five players because of players dismissed for the remainder of the game the non-offending team shall be declared the winner. 

    The offending team will be given 0 points and the non-offending team will be given 3 points and either a 5-0 win or the score after the game, whichever is the greatest advantage to them.

    If the referee abandons a game the committee will decide the result at a later date.

    If a game cannot continue due to a bad injury/incident or bad weather and the game has been played till ½ time the team leading at that time will win the game.

  • Win – 3 points

    Loss – 1 point

    Draw – 2 points

    Bye – 3 points

    Forfeit – Forfeited team -5 points & 0 points.

    Team forfeited against – Win 3 points and 5 tries, 0 against. 

    Finals series: 1st v 4th and 2nd v 3rd (Winners through to grand final)

  • Teams must supply all players with the correct shirt numbers on Sports Fix before the start of the competition. Failure to do so will result in a game not being recorded for that player, which may affect qualifications for finals (5 games need to be played before finals to qualify)

    Sign-on sheets will be removed at the start of the second half and the next time slots sheets will be put up at the sign-on table. Players MUST sign on for themselves before the game or at half-time of the game.

    Players must sign on for themselves only, penalties apply if players are signing on for others.

  • Any refund will incur a $20 admin fee.

    After round 4, there is NO refund of registration to any player, regardless of circumstances

    If you are wanting to swap a players registration to another player please contact newcastle oztag via email

  • Only players registered in a team may play for that team ONLY. Penalties for teams playing players not registered in their team will be severe.

    If an unregistered player takes part in a game (no matter the length of time) or attempts to play by pretending to be someone else or signing on for someone else, this is deemed unregistered.

    If a player plays in multiple teams the suspension will be enforced on both of the sides that the player plays in on the night of infringement. If more than one player is caught playing unregistered on one side, the rule applies to all. The suspension will carry over to the next competition the player plays in. Any player that is suspended for any length of time will NOT receive a refund.

    You as a delegate must make sure everyone is aware of the rule and never assume that all your players are registered, especially late players.

    If you are found to have unregistered players in the semis/finals your team will be disqualified.

  • Sign-on sheet: 1 point for each player not signed on. 

    Playing or attempting to play players that are not registered in your team but registered with Newcastle Oztag: 6 weeks to the player and a loss of 6 competition points. If the player is in multiple teams that player gets 3 weeks in one team, and 3 weeks in the other team. 

    Playing a player or attempting to play a player not registered at Newcastle Oztag in ANY team: Loss of 8 competition points to the team that they played in. 

    Incorrect shirt: NO PLAY. 

    No number on the shirt but the shirt is correct: If your shirt has been lost or damaged and you cannot source another one in time, the player must come to the canteen before they take the field to get a stamp to show the referee and they cannot score. Photo ID must be shown.

  • A Referee may send you for a P.O.T., the duration of which is at the discretion of the referee. You must remove your tags hand them to the referee and position yourself behind your opponent's try line. 

    Any player sent off for the duration of the game will incur one of the below: 

    The remainder of the game is a sufficient penalty.

    Automatic 2-week suspension. (only includes played games)

    If more severe it will be reviewed by the Newcastle Oztag committee. 

    If you are in doubt about any of the above please get your captain to check with the referee after the game or the competition organisers. 

    Please view the link here for Grading of send-offs. 

  • If you have any complaints please email us at or see us on the night of the complaint rationally and calmly. Abusive or foul language to any official will NOT be tolerated. 

  • Shorts and Tights are available to purchase from our office on allocated short nights or times during the day and sent to team delegates. There is also a limited amount of stock at the grounds to purchase as well. 

    UNIFORM: It is the team delegates responsibility to ensure their team abides by the rules. 

    Shorts and Tights: $35 Sublimated shorts and Tights: $40-$50 


    Shoes without screw-in studs are to be worn by all players.

    Light leather or synthetic boots with soft moulded soles are permitted, providing individual studs are no longer than 1cm in length. 

    No player is allowed on the field without footwear. 

    Teams have up until the start of round 3 to compile with the below uniform requirements (this can change each season): 

    Players must wear official Oztag shorts/tights or they cannot take the field.

    No league tag shorts are allowed or anything without the official Oztag logo on it. (if you're unsure, please ask)

    No shorts are loaned out (unless a faulty pair of shorts has been purchased) 

    All players must be correctly attired in the team's uniform.

    Shirts must be tucked into shorts at all times.

    If wearing a jumper they must be worn under the team uniform and they must be tucked under the uniform. 

    Swapping of shirts/shorts/tights on the sideline is not allowed.

    Shirts must be the same design, and colour and have iron-on numbers or printed.

    Strictly NO Texta or tape numbers.

    Numbers must be no less than 16cm in height and displayed. 

    We suggest that all teams have a minimum of 2 extra uniforms in a regular size in case they get ripped or lost. 

    Sunglasses/safety glasses cannot be worn. Prescription glasses may be worn at your own risk. 

    Jewellery and fingernails 

    Players are not to participate in any match whilst wearing any item of jewellery that might prove dangerous.

    Long or sharp fingernails are to be trimmed or taped. Hard peak hats are to be worn backwards or hats are to be soft peak official oztag hats. 

  • Players are not permitted to consume alcohol at any time during a game they are participating in. This includes any time they may be off the field during the game or at half-time of a game. Players observed consuming alcohol during a game they are participating in will not be permitted to continue participating in that game. 

    It is the delegate's responsibility to ensure this rule is adhered to. Teams and players that ignore this rule may be subject to suspensions. 

  • In the event of wet weather or field closure, the Facebook page will be updated if games are cancelled due to weather. Please do not contact us before 2 pm, or go to under menu, recreation, then sports ground closure. 

    Wet weather rounds are allocated to each competition (up to 2) and there will be NO refunds given for games varied or cancelled due to conditions outside of Newcastle Oztag's control. Eg weather, public health orders, and council requirements. 

    Newcastle Oztag reverses the right to: 

    Change field venues if fields are unplayable/closed for several weeks and N.C.C can allocate alternate fields. Games may be played any day of the week, including weekends. These may be single or multiple rounds. 

    If the fields are closed during finals, the finals will be pushed back into remaining spare weeks, if they have not already been used.

    If there are no spare weeks available, the finals series may be cancelled. 

    Grand finals will be attempted to be played on alternative days in the weeks leading up to next season.

    If the grand finals are not completed at least 2 weeks before the next competition starts, joint premiers will be awarded.

    Rule book - 

  • Newcastle Oztag provides a first aid officer to attend to basic injuries. Anything above will need hospital treatment.

    If you need strapping, bandaids etc please bring your own, as first aid supplies are for injuries only on the night.

    Please note the following:

    If there is an injury in your game you must notify the Referee, we cannot view all games and see all injuries. If you require treatment at your field get someone to come up to the canteen and we will attend your field.

    If the first aid officer believes an Ambulance is required they will ask the injured person if they would like an Ambulance called. If they do not want an Ambulance called we generally will not call one unless the player is suffering a life-threatening injury/illness.

    Insurance Forms and Reporting a Claim 

    Insurance forms must be completed correctly by all players and handed to staff at the grounds. These forms must be completed otherwise player’s claims for injuries may be refused. Players should look at carrying their insurance, as the Oztag Player Insurance Policy is limited. 

    We cannot accept forms if there are mistakes which are crossed out. You must fill in the form correctly. 

    Please visit for more info 

  • While the competition is scheduled for 12 rounds including finals (this can vary each season), Oztag reserves the right to vary the length due to the circumstances that may arise. Newcastle Oztag is under no obligation to provide refunds if the competition length is shortened, or games are cancelled, due to unforeseen circumstances such as weather events, or public health issues. 

    Remember, we are all here to have fun and enjoy the game. If in any doubt about any aspect of the game come and see a committee person. We are here to help you out and, as most people would know, we bend over backwards to ensure you get to play your games. But remember rules are in place for a reason, and at times we cannot be flexible with how the competition is run. 

    Respect the referees and the job they are doing. Whether you agree with them or not, keep your opinions of the referees to yourself whilst playing the game. We are quite happy to receive feedback about referees but talk to a committee person and do so calmly and respectfully. Being abusive or derogatory will result in you being ignored and, in some circumstances, you may be suspended. 

  • Development Officers: Jo & Brett Howard 

    Phone: 0418 440 319 



    Phone hours: Mon-Thurs  9:00 am – 5:30 pm Fri 9:00 am - 5:00pm 

    Office Unit 7/7 Revelation Close Tighes Hill. Office open via appointment.